1. Honorary Consulate of Australia - 袨斜芯褉懈褖械
ul. "Trakia" 37, 1527 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
2. Embassy of the United States - 孝褉懈邪写懈褑邪
ul. "Kozyak" 16, 1408 zhil. grupa "Yuzhen park", Sofia, Bulgaria
3. British Embassy Sofia - 小褉械写械褑
ul. "Moskovska" 9, 1000 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
4. Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia - 袠蟹谐褉械胁
ul. "Frederic Joliot-Curie" 17, 1113 g.k. Iztok, Sofia, Bulgaria
5. Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark - 袨斜芯褉懈褖械
bul. Kniaz Aleksandar Dondukov 54, 1000 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
6. Nigerian Embassy, Sofia-Bulgaria - 褉邪泄芯薪 袣褉邪褋薪芯 褋械谢芯
Jk. Lagera, Ulitsa Baba Iliytsa, No. 2, Block 80A, 1612 Sofia, Bulgaria
7. Office of the Honorary Consul of Canada to Bulgaria in Sofia - 袙褗蟹褉邪卸写邪薪械
Positano, ul. "Volga" 7, 1301 Sofia, Bulgaria
8. Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Sofia - 小褉械写械褑
ul. Aksakov 20, 1000 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
9. Embassy of the Republic of Serbia - 袨斜芯褉懈褖械
Sofia, Veliko Tarnovo St 3, Bulgaria
10. Embassy of Kuwait - 褉邪泄芯薪 小褌褍写械薪褌褋泻懈
ul. "21-vi vek" 63, 1700 Studentski Kompleks, Sofia, Bulgaria
11. Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina - 小谢邪褌懈薪邪
ul. "Alexander Zhendov" 1, 1113 Geo Milev, Sofia, Bulgaria
12. South African Embassy - 袨斜芯褉懈褖械
ul. "Bacho Kiro" 26, 1000 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
13. Embassy of the Netherlands - 袨斜芯褉懈褖械
Sofia, Oborishte St 15, Bulgaria
14. Embassy of Greece in Bulgaria - 小褉械写械褑
ul. "San Stefano" 33, 1504 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
15. Embassy of Ukraine - 袨胁褔邪 袣褍锌械谢
ul. "Boryana" 29, 1618 kv. Ovcha kupel, Sofia, Bulgaria
16. Embassy of the Republic of Iraq - 袠蟹谐褉械胁
ul. "Anton P. Chehov" 21, 1113 g.k. Iztok, Sofia, Bulgaria
17. Embassy of the Republic of Argentina - 袠蟹谐褉械胁
bul. "Dragan Tsankov" 36, 1113 g.k. Izgrev, Sofia, Bulgaria
18. Embassy of Belgium - 孝褉懈邪写懈褑邪
Blvd "James Bourchier" 103, 1407 g.k. Lozenets, Sofia, Bulgaria
19. Embassy of the Republic of Armenia - 小谢邪褌懈薪邪
ul. "Zagorichane" 3, 1111 Geo Milev, Sofia, Bulgaria